Recipe: Perfect 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis)

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🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis).

🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) most diverse and have ideal sense that unique. Some types of 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) recipes are also sufficient easy to process and dont pick up long. Though not everybody likes 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) food, nowadays some people are get attached and like the various 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) foods on hand. This can be seen from the number of restaurants that provide 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) as one of the dish. You can cook 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) using 11 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis)

  1. It's of Bahan A (doh).
  2. Prepare of cawan susu tepung (apa-apa jenama pun boleh).
  3. You need of cawan tepung gandum.
  4. Prepare of sudu teh soda bikarbonat.
  5. You need of Bahan B (sirap@air gula).
  6. You need of cawan gula (take nak manis boleh kurangkan).
  7. You need of cawan air.
  8. You need of biji buah pelaga.
  9. It's of bahan C (buttermilk).
  10. You need of sudu teh cuka.
  11. It's of cawan susu segar.

🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) instructions

  1. Sediakan semua bahan.
  2. Mula-mula sekali buat buttermilk (bahan C) sediakan mangkuk dan masukkan susu dan cuka,ketepikan sekejap.
  3. Kemudian masukkan gula,air dan buah pelaga ke dalam periuk didihkan,bila gula dah larut,biarkan sejuk suhu bilik.
  4. Selepas itu sediakan bahan A,campur semua bahan (diayak) gaul sebati.
  5. Kemudian ambil buttermilk *langkah 2* masukkan minyak masak gaul sebati kemudian masukkan ke dalam mangkuk berisi bahan A tadi.
  6. Uli sebati sehingga menjadi doh tidak terlalu lembik,jika sedikit lembik boleh tambah susu tepung.
  7. Kemudian buat bebola sehingga siap, *siapkan cepat nanti susah untuk air gula meyerap bila di salut nanti*.
  8. Panaskan minyak yang agak banyak,goreng sehingga keperangan.
  9. Bila dah siap,masukkan terus ke dalam air gula *langkah ke 3* tadi gaul rata.
  10. Siap...boleh di hidang (rasa lemak susu 😋).

Got ingredients for production 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) recipes is also not difficult. You can easily get the main ingredients at the closest supermarket and in fact on the market. There are many kinds of 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) that are easy and quick to process into delicious dish. You can constantly practice this 🍶🌰Gulab Jamun (bebola susu manis) recipe at home, and can presenting it to your children and extended family. If you wish to cook another foods on our website, we prepare sundry types of food recipes which are of course very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try their.

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